N4 Montessori Academy

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
(469) 591-1400
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Our goal with the Toddlers is to provide a prepared environment that develops movement, language and social independence.

18 months to 3 Years

Extended day: 7:00 AM – 6:00 PM

Full day: 8:00 AM – 2:45 PM

At this stage, the child is most vulnerable to his environment. He absorbs and adapts to his time, religion and culture. The child would create his personality, will, language, character and intelligence with his environment.There are no limits to what the child can take in, but order is essential. In the first three years of life there is a psychic creation rather than physical creation; creation of abilities, creation of consciousness, creation of independence. Everything is created during this stage and afterwards(3-6 years) the child perfects and enlarges that which has been created. He is in transition between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind.

At this stage, the child is most vulnerable to his environment. He absorbs and adapts to his time, religion and culture. The child would create his personality, will, language, character and intelligence with his environment.There are no limits to what the child can take in, but order is essential. In the first three years of life there is a psychic creation rather than physical creation; creation of abilities, creation of consciousness, creation of independence. Everything is created during this stage and afterwards(3-6 years) the child perfects and enlarges that which has been created. He is in transition between the subconscious mind and the conscious mind.

"It is after this that the child, who can now walk and feels confident of his strength, begins to notice the actions of those about him, and tries to do the same things. In this period he imitates not because someone has told him to do so, but because of a deep inner need which he feels." (The Absorbent Mind, p.143)

Montessori’s key concepts that define the toddler mindset are:


The child’s ability to collect information from their environment like a nebula cloud which creates massive stars.


The child’s will to fulfill its needs like raise hand, stand up, walk etc.


Mneme is a place where a child can retain all the experience and learning which he goes through in his life. He will forget a few things after a few days. On his second attempt to go through the same experience, he will be able to retrieve quickly, because they were retained in Mneme.


Engrams are traces of experience that assist in association of ideas stored in his unconscious mind. Dr. Montessori illustrated it as, a student goes to sleep with an unsolved mathematical problem and wakes up with the solution. Engrams can be related to inspiration or sudden insight.

How does N4MA support the psychic and physical development of a toddler?

To support growth, N4MA’s Toddler environments are designed to attain normalization by providing:

The goals are achieved under the guidance of well trained guides applying grace and courtesy with their approach, living the same values. They demonstrate respect, speak before touching and moving the child, which serves as the emotional safe haven to thrive without hindrance.

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