N4 Montessori Academy

Mon - Fri 7:00 AM - 6:00 PM
(469) 591-1400
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The Montessori Method

"The child has to acquire physical independence by being self-sufficient; he must become of independent will be using in freedom his own power of choice; he must become capable of independent thought by working alone without interruption. The child’s development follows a path of successive stages of independence."(The Absorbent Mind, p. 257)

"The child has to acquire physical independence by being self-sufficient; he must become of independent will be using in freedom his own power of choice; he must become capable of independent thought by working alone without interruption. The child’s development follows a path of successive stages of independence."(The Absorbent Mind, p. 257)

The Montessori method is a concept that empowers children to achieve their full potential on their own. They are guided through their development needs by the educator, the environment and their natural ability to learn.


The Montessori environment comprises an intentional group of Children of mixed ages. The older children who have mastered the lessons teach the younger ones. The younger ones carefully observe and learn from the work of the older ones.

The Prepared Environment is a collection of carefully selected scientific materials organized to support the developmental characteristics. The goal of these materials is to develop the child with practical skills and abstract knowledge.

The child chooses the work and the Teacher connects the child to the materials in the prepared environment, introducing the child to the right materials at the right time. The Teacher is equipped with the knowledge to understand the child’s sensitivity and motivation to introduce new lessons in a way that appeals to the child. The lessons are followed by self-directive, collaborating or peer-peer learning.

“The child can only develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience ‘work’.”
- Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 7, p. 88)

The Montessori environment comprises an intentional group of Children of mixed ages. The older children who have mastered the lessons teach the younger ones. The younger ones carefully observe and learn from the work of the older ones.

The Prepared Environment is a collection of carefully selected scientific materials organized to support the developmental characteristics. The goal of these materials is to develop the child with practical skills and abstract knowledge.

The child chooses the work and the Teacher connects the child to the materials in the prepared environment, introducing the child to the right materials at the right time. The Teacher is equipped with the knowledge to understand the child’s sensitivity and motivation to introduce new lessons in a way that appeals to the child. The lessons are followed by self-directive, collaborating or peer-peer learning.

“The child can only develop fully by means of experience in his environment. We call such experience ‘work’.”
- Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind, Chapter 7, p. 88)

Each child develops at their own pace, and on their own timeline, thereby creating independence, self-esteem, and respect for others and the environment. The outcome of the approach creates a positive behavioral discipline and unparalleled cognitive abilities that stay with the child for life.

"The child must see for himself what he can do, and it is important to give him not only the means of education but also to supply him with indicators which tell him his mistakes. The child’s interest in doing better, and his own constant checking and testing, are so important to him that his progress is assured. His very nature tends toward exactitude and the ways of obtaining it appeal to him."
- Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind, p. 229)

Each child develops at their own pace, and on their own timeline, thereby creating independence, self-esteem, and respect for others and the environment. The outcome of the approach creates a positive behavioral discipline and unparalleled cognitive abilities that stay with the child for life.

"The child must see for himself what he can do, and it is important to give him not only the means of education but also to supply him with indicators which tell him his mistakes. The child’s interest in doing better, and his own constant checking and testing, are so important to him that his progress is assured. His very nature tends toward exactitude and the ways of obtaining it appeal to him."
- Maria Montessori (The Absorbent Mind, p. 229)

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